2020, Mapping / Guided tour
In the frame of a residency in Gastatelier Gleis70, Zurich/CH
Guided tour Avatar tours #1: Zurich Altstetten, 10.9.2020 (Photo: Bruno Alder)
During the pandemic summer, Willimann/Arai stayed for 3 months at the guest studio of Genossenschaft Gleis 70. Connected via the internet, they explored and mapped their surroundings at the border of the city of Zurich – a former industrial neighborhood which expands along the train line Olten-Zurich and is today home, amongst others, to IT and transport companies, a postal distribution center, community gardens and a new hockey stadium.
In the frame of a guided tour at the end of the stay, the avatar willimannarai shared the experiences and the knowledge which the artists had acquired during the walking and mapping practice with the audience. In this stroll through the interwoven (Hi-)stories of global connections, willimannarai invited her guests to follow the traces of migrations of goods, informations, people and plants that have inscribed themselves in the surroundings.