2023, Diazotype installation
Hosted by the Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam/NL, in the frame of the exhibition Colonial Endurance. Detecting the Algorithm of Violence in Infrastructures, curated by TOK (Anna Bitkina & Maria Veits)
Installation view The gift exercise / Invitation 8.2: Nitrogen – Substance of power, Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam/NL (Photo: Chiara Catalini)
Within the framework of the durational online laboratory Colonial Endurance, Willimann/Arai have focussed on the key role of nitrogen in the colonial expansion of Europe and its toxic effects on the environment. In the frame of the exhibition at the Niewe Instituut in Rotterdam, they exhibited a 14 meters long strip of coated diazotype paper hanging from the ceiling. The paper strip displayed a text and diazoype reproductions of historical images from different eras depicting infrastructures created for the extraction, processing and production of nitrogen compounds.