2023 -
In a long-term research, Willimann/Arai investigate the history of human interaction with the chemical element nitrogen. In this history, nitrogen – which is essential for the reproduction of life and for biological growth – paradoxically turns into an agent of destruction.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Haber Bosch process made synthetic ammonia available at low cost and in unlimited quantities. This nitrogen coumpound is crucial for the industrial production of artificial fertilizer and explosives, but also serves as a basis for other industrial processes, including the imaging technique diazotype – a precursor of today's copying machines.
Willimann/Arai have deconstructed the reproduction process of the diazotype copying machine and reappropriated it in time- consuming manual work and based on sustainable resources: using sunlight for exposure and develop the images in a chicken barn with naturally occurring ammonia vapours from excrement (Invitation 8.1 - 8.3).
In a further development of the project, Willimann/Arai are focusing on the yellow lichen (Xanthoria parietina), which – unlike other lichen species – profits from nitrogen-based air pollution (Invitation 8.4).
Invitation 8.4: Nitrogen – Post-growth (Brot aus Luft)
Invitation 8.3: Nitrogen – Degrow!
Invitation 8.2: Nitrogen – Substance of power
Invitation 8.1: Nitrogen – Schnee aus China, Brot aus Luft
Production process of The gift exercise / Invitation 8.2: Nitrogen - Substance of power: Diazotypes developed with ammonia vapours from excrements in the chicken barn of Hof Blum/Froh Ussicht in Samstagern/CH, 2023 (Photo: Martin Blum)